6th of April, 2017
What is Shingles?

Shingles cannot be passed down from person to person, but it can pass on chicken pox to someone who has never had it before.
Shingles is incredibly painful but it presents other signs and symptoms as well. The most common ones are fever, nausea, red rash on body, itching, chills and aches all over the body. As the virus progresses, the blister-like rashes burst and crust over.
Shingles can last anywhere between 2-5 weeks and although the recovery is not pleasant, most people get better.
The best way to prevent shingles is by getting a vaccine, especially if you are over 60 years old. Talk to your doctor and discuss getting a shingles vaccine. To treat shingles one must take anti-viral medication such as acyclovir or famciclovir. Pain medicine may also be provided to those who experience severe pain from the shingles virus.
The best way to diagnose and treat shingles is by seeing a trusted healthcare professional!