June 21, 2017

Preventing Arthritis

21st of June, 2017

Preventing Arthritis:

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints which causes stiffness, pain and limited range of motion. Arthritis is more likely to inflict people of older ages, from normal wear and tear of the joints. Genetics, excess wear
and tear, injury and the natural aging process can both increase the risk for arthritis. While arthritis can be painful, it is not life threatening. Here are some tips to prevent arthritis from afflicting you:

1. Keeping your weight at a healthy number can definitely reduce the likelihood of arthritis. When the body carries around excess weight, it puts extra stress on the skeletal system, joints, and muscles. keeping excess weight off will reduce stress on your joints and prevent deterioration.

2. Keeping a healthy diet and eating plenty of fish can help you keep your bones healthy. The healthy omega-3 fats in fish, help you keep a strong skeletal system, keep excess weight off and provide your body with much-needed nutrients.

3. Engage in low-impact exercise, which will help strengthen your muscles, keep the excess weight off the bones and joints. The best, low impact exercise is biking, swimming, yoga, pilates, walking.

4. Prevent injury during any activity by wearing the appropriate protective devices, cushioned shoes, and other safety gear. Preventing injury is the best way to diminish the likelihood of arthritis in people of all ages and genders.

5.  Keep your Vitamin D levels high by engaging in outdoor activities with sun exposure. Yes, you can take vitamins to ensure you have proper levels of Vitamin D. However, Vitamin D from the sun cannot be replaced by a pill and is necessary for proper calcium absorption and strong bones.

6. Stay Hydrated by drinking plenty of non-sugary water throughout the day. The cartilage in our joints largely consists of water and drinking water is necessary to replenish it. Not only that, drinking water helps keep off excess weight and helps the body function better overall.

Use these tips daily, check in with your doctor regularly and help prevent arthritis!