6th of July, 2017
Parkinson's Disease:
Parkinson's Disease is a disease of the Central Nervous System and mostly occurs among the elderly.
As we age, our cells don't regenerate at the rapid rate they use to and cause a decline in mobility and memory.
Some of the symptoms of Parkinson's are tremors of the hands, stiffness, poor balance.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Parkinson's Disease but medications can be taken to alleviate the symptoms. Muscle rigidity is a very common symptom and can limit the range of motion in this case. Automatic movements such as chewing, blinking, and smiling can decline as well. In severe cases, slurred speech also occurs and makes talking very difficult.
There are several causes of Parkinson's:

Environmental Triggers. Constant exposure to environmental toxins can increase the risks for Parkinson's.
Genetics. Certain genetic mutations increase the likelihood of developing Parkinson's.
Lewy Bodies are clumps of proteins that collect inside nerve cells and increase the chances for Parkinson's as well.
Men are more likely to develop Parkinson's Disease. This is possible because men do not reap the protective benefits of estrogen and they are more likely to hold jobs which leads to head injuries.
To diagnose Parkinson's Disease it is important to see a medical professional. They can conduct brain scans such as PET scans and MRIs. Levodopa is a popular medication that may be used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's.