March 7, 2017

Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels the Natural Way

7th of March, 2017

Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels the Natural Way:

It is bound to happen to a lot of us, but rising cholesterol levels as we age are definitely preventable.
But is it reversible? It most definitely is with the right attitude, diet and exercise.

First let's find our how high cholesterol actually happens. Several factors affect cholesterol: aging, foods we eat, family history, being overweight. The negative aspects of cholesterol are possible heart attack, stroke, clogged arteries (atherosclerosis).

It is much more difficult to control cholesterol levels as we age, but is certainly not impossible. You can decrease your risks for high cholesterol by exercising several hours a week and eating a healthier diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. Decreasing foods from animal sources can also help decrease cholesterol. This means eating less meat, cheese, milk, etc. Not smoking cigarettes and decreasing alcohol intake are also a huge help! Increasing cardio and resistance training is definitely also a great source for lower cholesterol.

 While there are medications available for cholesterol control, changing old habits into healthier ones will take you a long way and have the most impact. Always consult your doctor prior to making any drastic changes to diet or exercise.