March 7, 2017

Pet Therapy to Boost Mood for Older Adults

7th of March, 2017

Pet Therapy to Boost Mood for Older Adults:

Aging is something we all must endure at some point in our lives. It is a process that brings many ailments with it and the most common one is clinical depression. There are many ways to help alleviate the symptoms of depression: exercise, socializing, medication, sunlight therapy. However, one of the newest ways of battling depression in older adults is through Pet Therapy.

Owning a dog generally has positive side affects on people and especially on the elderly. It significantly lowers blood pressure, risk of heart disease, and encourages them to exercise because the dog must be walked. Owning a dog has even helped improve vital signs for elderly experiencing dementia. Although it is not a cure-all for disease, it certainly improves the situation for a lot of people!

Spending time with dogs and petting them, releases "feel good" chemicals such as serotonin, oxytocin (a bonding hormone) and prolactin. These chemicals critically improve mood and alleviate depression.
So the next time you sense your parent or grandparent is depressed, let them spend a little time with the neighbor's pooch! It will go a long way.