March 29, 2017

Preventing Skin Cancer

29th of March, 2017

Preventing Skin Cancer:

With summer around the corner, one of the main affects of skin cancer is radiation from the sun. Constant exposure to the sun increases the risk of developing various forms of skin cancer. This occurs when the rays from the sun alter the DNA make up in your cells and cells begin to grow exponentially. The lighter your complexion, the more sensitive and susceptible you are to the damaging affects of the sun.

You are also more likely to get skin cancer if you have a family history of skin cancer. Moles, birthmarks and lesion also increase the risks. Excessive exposure to sun leading to sunburns also increases your risks for cancer. Older people, children and people with weakened immune systems are also at a higher risk for developing skin cancer.

So here are some ways to prevent skin cancer:
Use a broad spectrum sunscreen (UVA and UVB) whenever you are outside for long periods of time. Lather it on your face, hands and any areas exposed to the sun. It is important to use sunscreen  and not just at the beach - use it every day.

Protect your eyes and make use of sunglasses. When you purchase them make sure that the label includes UVA & UVB protection.

Avoid the sun during the harshest times. 10am-3pm is the time of day and is when sun should be avoided. If you NEED to be outside during those times - by all means cover up your head and parts of your body with clothing to avoid harsh sun exposure.

An overall healthy lifestyle also decreases the risks of all types of cancers. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, avoid smoking and excess alcohol use and maintain an exercise regimen.

Finally, visit a skin doctor at least once a year. It is important to have your skin looked at by a professional for any warning signs!

March 27, 2017

Glaucoma: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

27th of March, 2017

Glaucoma: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment.

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve of the eye. It can cause loss of vision, pain and blindness in some cases.
There are two types of glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma has the least amount of signs and the damage is permanent. Sadly this is the most common type of glaucoma and gives very little warning. Regular visits to the eye doctor are necessary for early detection. In this type of glaucoma, the eye's drainage angle becomes blocked and due to excess fluid and pressure, the nerve deteriorates.

The second type of glaucoma is Angle-closure glaucoma. It gives a lot more warning and has the following signs and symptoms: blurry vision, severe eye pain or headaches, red eyes, nausea, rainbow/halo type-pattern around bright lights. The drainage angle becomes very narrow and slowly becomes blocked.

Although glaucoma does affect the older population significantly more often, children can also get congenital glaucoma. The symptoms in children usually include photosensitivity, watery and cloudy eyes.

You are likely to get glaucoma if someone in your family had it.  If you are diabetic you also have an increased risk for glaucoma. The chances of glaucoma increase with age as well.

Accurate treatment for glaucoma should come from a doctor. Glaucoma is diagnosed through the dilation of pupils and examination of the eye by a medical professional. Treatment may include prescription eye drops, laser eye surgery, and microsurgery to drain the eye of excess fluids.

Please refer to your health care professional if you feel you may have glaucoma. Don't wait until it is too late!

March 21, 2017

Recognizing Dementia

21st of March, 2017

Recognizing Dementia:

Dementia can affect people from all walks of life. The likelihood of getting dementia increases with age but there can be early on-set of dementia as well. Occasional forgetfulness happens to everyone and does increase with age. It can be a normal part of life.
However dementia signs and symptoms are a lot more than just forgetfulness. Recognizing the early signs and symptoms is important to keep your loved ones safe.

Here are some early signs and symptoms of recognizing dementia:

Learn to notice sudden fluctuations in mood and personality. If your loved one becomes angry or frustrated more than normal, it may be a sign of dementia. They may have these sudden drops in mood due to their inability to make sense of their thoughts or their environment. They may also become aggressive or paranoid.

Notice any changes in their short-term memory but not long term memory. Long term memory, especially childhood memories, stay intact for a long time. Short-term memory is often disrupted during dementia.

Pay attention to your loved one having trouble wording ideas in speech or in writing. An individual experiencing dementia may stop their speech in the middle of a sentence of an idea. The pattern of speech may become disrupted.

Be aware that depression and dementia often go hand in hand. A dementia patient may frequently become depressed and lose interest in their usual activities. They may not want to interact as much with you or with other people around them.
These kinds of symptoms often worsen during evening time and therefore it is called "sun-downing."

*It is always recommended to see a professional to officially diagnose any kind of change in behavior.*

March 20, 2017

Seniors Behind the Wheel

20th of March, 2017

Seniors Behind the Wheel:

Seniors driving a car past a certain age can be worrisome for anyone; their loved ones, pedestrians and other drivers on the road. This is simply due to the fact that as we age, our vision, hearing and reflexes deteriorate.

So here are some tips for elderly and their loved ones to make driving safer for everyone.

Get a vision and hearing exam frequently. We recommend taking your older loved one to the doctor to get their hearing and vision tested at least 2 times a year. Rapid declines can occur for people ages 60 and above and this can increase with any kind of trauma.

Be aware of any side affects from medications. If your loved on is driving and is also on any medication that may cause sleepiness or drowsiness, please consult your doctor. It may be beneficial for them not to drive in this case if the medication needs to be taken frequently.

Drive during better conditions. Try to limit your loved one's driving to day time or morning driving when it is bright outside and it is easier to see. Encourage them not to drive during rainy or snowy weather conditions as factors such as poor weather and dark can increase the likelihood of an accident.

Check for stiffness in their joints. Does your loved one have symptoms of arthritis? It may be difficult to operate a vehicle with such conditions. Consult a doctor prior to allowing them to get behind the week.

It is also important to consider conditions such as dementia in an elderly driver. If they have beginning stages of dementia - it may be difficult to know when to take away their license. It may be very painful to see your parent or grandparent get older and not be able to maintain the same kind of abilities. However, it is in everyone's best interest if they do not drive and hurt themselves or someone else on the road.

March 15, 2017

Springtime Activities for Seniors

15th of March, 2017

Springtime Activities for Seniors:

Springtime brings plenty of opportunity to do something fun and outdoorsy. It is a great opportunity for seniors to spend time with their families and get some sunshine as well. So take advantage of our tips and the good weather and spend some time together doing these fun activities!

1. Go for for a walk/hike.
             Whether you live by a hiking trails, the beach or the woods - it is the perfect opportunity to go out and get some exercise and get in touch with nature. Dress comfortable and go out hiking or walking when the weather is good. Remember to stay hydrated.

2. Plant or garden together.
             If you don't want to go out into the nature - bring the nature to you. Purchase some seeds and begin planing fruits, vegetables or herbs together in your garden. It is a great way to pass time and you will have something delicious to eat later.

3. Have a picnic.
           If there are nice parks near by you can combine the best of both worlds (food and nature) and have a picnic somewhere! This can be relaxing and they will have a wonderful time spending time outdoors with their loved ones.

4. Shop and Cook.
           This is a fun activity for the elderly to do with their caregiver or their friend or loved one. Go to a local farmer's market and shop for ingredients together. After you can use the ingredients to cook a meal together and enjoy.

5. Go to a museum or art gallery.
If you live in the city or in a town with a nice art district, then this is good for you. This is an activity the whole family can enjoy- no matter what age. Get a few people together and go to the local museum or art gallery. It will be time well spent and you can discuss your favorite artwork for days to come.

March 13, 2017

Staying Safe During the Storm

13th of March, 2017

Staying Safe During the Storm:

Winter time can be challenging for everybody. It can cause mood disorders due to decrease in daylight, traffic jams and holiday stress. However, winter time can also wreck havoc on the elderly or disabled who live alone and rely on someone to help care for them. Many older adults rely on their caregivers to arrive but the caregivers are not able to due to the storm.

Here are some tips for the elderly and their families to follow to survive the winter flurries or the rain:

First, prepare all the groceries in advance. As everyone braces for the storm - grocery stores will be jam packed with people. Be smart and get there first - stock up enough food for several days to make sure you don't need to leave the house and have all the food you need. Make sure to prepare water and warm drinks as well (such as coffee, tea or hot chocolate).

Second, purchase flashlights, candles and enough batteries to last for a minimum of 4-7 days. Although unlikely, sometimes the power does go off during an intense storm. It is better to be safe than sorry - which is what will happen if you're stuck in the dark for such a long time. Prepare to light your own way through the house just in case the power goes out.

Third, have a first aid kit prepared for yourself and loved ones in advance. Most likely you will not need it - but is better to have it if you do, in case of emergency. Here are some things that must be in a First Aid Kit, courtesy of the Red Cross (this can also be found on their site):

  • 2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches)
  • 25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes)
  • 1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch)
  • 5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram)
  • 5 antiseptic wipe packets
  • 2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each)
  • 1 blanket (space blanket) 
  • 1 breathing barrier (with one-way valve)
  • 1 instant cold compress
  • 2 pair of nonlatex gloves (size: large)
  • 2 hydrocortisone ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each)
  • Scissors
  • 1 roller bandage (3 inches wide)
  • 1 roller bandage (4 inches wide)
  • 5 sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches) 
  • 5 sterile gauze pads (4 x 4 inches)
  • Oral thermometer (non-mercury/nonglass)
  • 2 triangular bandages
  • Tweezers
Some additional tips: 
  • have the batteries in your hearing aides replaced so you don't run out. 
  • charge your cell phones in advance
  • enough pet supplies and food
  • ample heating methods such as personal heaters or fireplace
  • enough medication especially if you have an existing condition
Most importantly, stay warm and safe!

March 8, 2017

Fall Prevention for the Elderly

8th of March, 2017

Fall Prevention for the Elderly:

A tumble can happen at any age. We learn to walk as little kids, and we fall quite often - its a natural part of life. Unfortunately when elderly people fall, it is much more dangerous because their brittle bones cannot withstand the impact.

As we age, our gait/balance changes and becomes more unstable due to lack of practice. Falling can also lead to anxiety, depression and a sense of vulnerability. Which is why it is so important to prevent falls.

There are several ways to prevent falls::

First, encourage the elderly person in your family to get an eye check up to make sure their vision is not deteriorating. Poor vision can affect their ability to walk and see what is in their path.

Second, be familiar with their medication. Some medicine does include sleep aids or can lead to drowsiness and disorientation. This is especially dangerous at night when the elderly may get up to use the restroom. Consider bed pans to reduce late-night walking.

Third, get companion care for your loved one. This is the easiest step but unfortunately people always hire help AFTER a serious fall has taken place. A companion will ensure your love one's safety and prevent falls.

Other tips and tricks to prevent falling:

  • install grab bars in showers
  • use non-slip rugs
  • keep a well-lit home
  • secure rails on stairs
Keep your loved one safe and healthy by using these tips to prevent falls!

Take Advantage of Spring: Vitamin D

8th of March, 2017

Take Advantage of Spring: Vitamin D

As we begin to approach spring, the days are getting longer and the sunlight is available more hours of the day. There are great advantages to this; going for walks at the parks, hiking, beautiful beaches and just spending more time outdoors. One of the major benefits of spring is being able to spend time outside and enjoying the sunshine. The sunshine releases feel good chemicals such as serotonin and improves the mood. However, it is also a great source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D from the sun is essential to growing and keeping strong and healthy bones!

A large majority of elderly people do not spend a lot of time outside and unfortunately this contributes to the deterioration of their skeletal system. Taking your aging parent or grandparent for walks or to just sit in the sun is beneficial to preventing fractures during falls and deterioration of bones.

Vitamin D actually facilitates the absorption of calcium, which is also an essential part of healthy and strong bones. Getting Vitamin D just from your foods is not as advantageous as getting it from food AND the sun!

So this spring, take a walk outside and enjoy the sunlight - it has more health benefits than you think!

March 7, 2017

Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels the Natural Way

7th of March, 2017

Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels the Natural Way:

It is bound to happen to a lot of us, but rising cholesterol levels as we age are definitely preventable.
But is it reversible? It most definitely is with the right attitude, diet and exercise.

First let's find our how high cholesterol actually happens. Several factors affect cholesterol: aging, foods we eat, family history, being overweight. The negative aspects of cholesterol are possible heart attack, stroke, clogged arteries (atherosclerosis).

It is much more difficult to control cholesterol levels as we age, but is certainly not impossible. You can decrease your risks for high cholesterol by exercising several hours a week and eating a healthier diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. Decreasing foods from animal sources can also help decrease cholesterol. This means eating less meat, cheese, milk, etc. Not smoking cigarettes and decreasing alcohol intake are also a huge help! Increasing cardio and resistance training is definitely also a great source for lower cholesterol.

 While there are medications available for cholesterol control, changing old habits into healthier ones will take you a long way and have the most impact. Always consult your doctor prior to making any drastic changes to diet or exercise.

Pet Therapy to Boost Mood for Older Adults

7th of March, 2017

Pet Therapy to Boost Mood for Older Adults:

Aging is something we all must endure at some point in our lives. It is a process that brings many ailments with it and the most common one is clinical depression. There are many ways to help alleviate the symptoms of depression: exercise, socializing, medication, sunlight therapy. However, one of the newest ways of battling depression in older adults is through Pet Therapy.

Owning a dog generally has positive side affects on people and especially on the elderly. It significantly lowers blood pressure, risk of heart disease, and encourages them to exercise because the dog must be walked. Owning a dog has even helped improve vital signs for elderly experiencing dementia. Although it is not a cure-all for disease, it certainly improves the situation for a lot of people!

Spending time with dogs and petting them, releases "feel good" chemicals such as serotonin, oxytocin (a bonding hormone) and prolactin. These chemicals critically improve mood and alleviate depression.
So the next time you sense your parent or grandparent is depressed, let them spend a little time with the neighbor's pooch! It will go a long way.

March 6, 2017

What Home Care Costs?

What Home Care Costs?

As you investigate the different options available to you, you want to choose the type of care that fits into your lifestyle. One of the first things on your mind is how you care decisions will affect your bank account. You are not alone: many people searching for care are apprehensive about the potential financial burden of paying for long-term care. What will home care cost for you? It maybe more affordable than you think.

The Average Cost Of Care

The cost of non-medical home care varies depending on where you live and the amount of care you will need. According to the "Cost of care Survey" an annual report by Genworth, home care costs less than other options like adult day care, assisted living and skilled nursing. The national average cost of home care per hour ranges between only $ 10 to $ 36. By comparison, the average resident at an assisted living community pays $3,600$ per month. Nursing homes can cost up to $250 per day. In the past five years, the costs of assisted living and skilled nursing have risen by 3,5%.

Preventing Costly  Accidents 

In addition to being an affordable option, home care can prevent the accidents and injuries that lead to hospital stays and visits to the doctor. ComForCare Companion  Caregivers help with activities of daily living: they can help prevent falling and promote a healthier living environment. Falls can lead to head injuries and broken bones, and having a steady hand helps many seniors be more sure on their feet.
Keeping track of prescription  is also a challenge  for many people using home care services. Medication reminders given by a ComForCare Companion caregiver  can prevent our clients from forgetting to take their medication or overdosing, both of which can lead to more serious health concerns.
ComForcare Companion Care is proud to provide the services that lead to a higher quality of life for many people and their families. Contact our ComForCare Companion Care office in Brooklyn     New York to find out more about what home care cost for you.  


Elderly Companion Care in Brooklyn, NY

Comforcare companion home care provides outstanding companion-caregiver services 
at an affordable price. Our clients’ comfort and peace of mind is our top priority. We are there every step of the way to ensure your companion is not only an experienced one but also has an ideal personality match to complement our client. You will meet your caregiver prior the date of service, in your home or in another comfortable environment of your choice. With our free in-home consultation, we will be able to address your concerns and find you the best care possible at an affordable price!

We have a minimum of 12 hours per week and a minimum of 4 hours per day.